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Welcome to quick-menu

This is a simple package to create text menus for use in console applications.


Provide a simple means to create text menus for a console application.


This example shows two ways to create a menu, one for the submenu and the other for the main menu.

from import Menu, MenuItem

def func1(val=1):
    print("func1: val =", val)
    input("Press [Enter] to continue")

submenu = Menu(
        MenuItem("1", "Do func1", action=func1),
        MenuItem("X", "Go back", is_exit=True),
menu = (
    Menu("Some Title")
    .add(MenuItem("1", "Func1 default", action=func1))
    .add(MenuItem("2", "Func1 with val", action=func1, action_args={"val": 4}))
    .add(MenuItem("S", "Submenu",
    .add(MenuItem("X", "Exit", is_exit=True))


A menu that can be displayed and accepts user selections.

Source code in src\quick_menu\
class Menu:
    """A menu that can be displayed and accepts user selections."""

    BANNER_WIDTH: int = 40

    def __init__(
        title: str,
        menu_items: Optional[List[MenuItem]] = None,
        prompt: Optional[str] = None,
        auto_clear: Optional[bool] = None,
        """Create a new menu.

            title: The title to display at the top of the menu.
            menu_items: An optional list of `MenuItem` to add to the menu.
            prompt:     An optional custom prompt for input.
            auto_clear:  Whether or not to clear the screen before running.
        self.title = title
        self.menu_items: Dict[str, MenuItem] = {}
        if menu_items:
            for menu_item in menu_items:
        self.prompt = prompt if prompt else ">> "
        self.auto_clear = auto_clear if auto_clear else True

    def add(self, menu_item: MenuItem) -> Self:
        """Add a new MenuItemq.

            menu_item: A `MenuItem` instance.

            The `Menu` instance. This allows chaining of the `add` calls. For example:

                    menu.add("1", "First").add("2", "Second")
        if menu_item.is_exit is True:
            # Check if there is an existing exit since there can be only one
            exit_key = self._exit_choice()
            if exit_key:
                del self.menu_items[exit_key]
        self.menu_items[menu_item.choice.lower()] = menu_item
        return self

    def display(self) -> str:
        """Return the Menu display as a string."""
        title_length = len(self.title) + 2
        right_length = (Menu.BANNER_WIDTH - title_length) // 2
        left_length = Menu.BANNER_WIDTH - title_length - right_length
        out = [" ".join(["=" * left_length, self.title, "=" * right_length])]
        for key in sorted(self.menu_items):
            menu_item = self.menu_items[key]
            out.append(f"{menu_item.choice}: {menu_item.label}")
        out.append("=" * Menu.BANNER_WIDTH)
        return "\n".join(out)

    def run(self) -> None:
        """Display the `Menu` and start a loop to process selections."""
        running = True
        while running:
            if self.auto_clear:
            choice = input(self.prompt)
            key = choice.lower()
            if key in self.menu_items:
                running = self.menu_items[key].select()
                print(f"Invalid choice: {choice}")
                input("\nPress [Enter] to continue")

    def update(self, choice: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        menu_item = self.menu_items.get(choice.lower())
        if menu_item:

    def _exit_choice(self) -> Optional[str]:
        exit_keys = [k for k, v in self.menu_items.items() if v.is_exit is True]
        if exit_keys:
            return exit_keys[0]
        return None

    def _ensure_one_exit_exists(self) -> None:
        exit_key = self._exit_choice()
        if not exit_key:
            self.menu_items["x"] = MenuItem("X", "Exit", is_exit=True)

    def clear() -> None:
        """Calls a system method to clear the console."""
        os.system("clear" if == "posix" else "cls")

__init__(title, menu_items=None, prompt=None, auto_clear=None)

Create a new menu.


Name Type Description Default
title str

The title to display at the top of the menu.

menu_items Optional[List[MenuItem]]

An optional list of MenuItem to add to the menu.

prompt Optional[str]

An optional custom prompt for input.

auto_clear Optional[bool]

Whether or not to clear the screen before running.

Source code in src\quick_menu\
def __init__(
    title: str,
    menu_items: Optional[List[MenuItem]] = None,
    prompt: Optional[str] = None,
    auto_clear: Optional[bool] = None,
    """Create a new menu.

        title: The title to display at the top of the menu.
        menu_items: An optional list of `MenuItem` to add to the menu.
        prompt:     An optional custom prompt for input.
        auto_clear:  Whether or not to clear the screen before running.
    self.title = title
    self.menu_items: Dict[str, MenuItem] = {}
    if menu_items:
        for menu_item in menu_items:
    self.prompt = prompt if prompt else ">> "
    self.auto_clear = auto_clear if auto_clear else True


Add a new MenuItemq.


Name Type Description Default
menu_item MenuItem

A MenuItem instance.



Type Description

The Menu instance. This allows chaining of the add calls. For example:

menu.add("1", "First").add("2", "Second")
Source code in src\quick_menu\
def add(self, menu_item: MenuItem) -> Self:
    """Add a new MenuItemq.

        menu_item: A `MenuItem` instance.

        The `Menu` instance. This allows chaining of the `add` calls. For example:

                menu.add("1", "First").add("2", "Second")
    if menu_item.is_exit is True:
        # Check if there is an existing exit since there can be only one
        exit_key = self._exit_choice()
        if exit_key:
            del self.menu_items[exit_key]
    self.menu_items[menu_item.choice.lower()] = menu_item
    return self

clear() staticmethod

Calls a system method to clear the console.

Source code in src\quick_menu\
def clear() -> None:
    """Calls a system method to clear the console."""
    os.system("clear" if == "posix" else "cls")


Return the Menu display as a string.

Source code in src\quick_menu\
def display(self) -> str:
    """Return the Menu display as a string."""
    title_length = len(self.title) + 2
    right_length = (Menu.BANNER_WIDTH - title_length) // 2
    left_length = Menu.BANNER_WIDTH - title_length - right_length
    out = [" ".join(["=" * left_length, self.title, "=" * right_length])]
    for key in sorted(self.menu_items):
        menu_item = self.menu_items[key]
        out.append(f"{menu_item.choice}: {menu_item.label}")
    out.append("=" * Menu.BANNER_WIDTH)
    return "\n".join(out)


Display the Menu and start a loop to process selections.

Source code in src\quick_menu\
def run(self) -> None:
    """Display the `Menu` and start a loop to process selections."""
    running = True
    while running:
        if self.auto_clear:
        choice = input(self.prompt)
        key = choice.lower()
        if key in self.menu_items:
            running = self.menu_items[key].select()
            print(f"Invalid choice: {choice}")
            input("\nPress [Enter] to continue")

MenuItem dataclass

A menu item to add to a menu.

The menu item can optionally call a function or start a submenu. A menu item can also be an exit item which exits the curren menu.


Name Type Description Default
choice str

The string used to select the menu item.

label str

The text label displayed for the menu item.

action Optional[Callable[..., None]]

An optional function to be called when the menu item is selected.

action_args dict

Arguments to pass to a menu item action.

is_exit bool

Whether or not this menu item exits the current menu

Source code in src\quick_menu\
class MenuItem:
    """A menu item to add to a menu.

    The menu item can optionally call a function or start a submenu. A menu item can
    also be an exit item which exits the curren menu.

        choice:       The string used to select the menu item.
        label:        The text label displayed for the menu item.
        action:       An optional function to be called when the menu item is selected.
        action_args:  Arguments to pass to a menu item action.
        is_exit:      Whether or not this menu item exits the current menu

    VALID_UPDATE_FIELDS: ClassVar[Tuple[str, ...]] = ("label", "action", "action_args")

    choice: str
    label: str
    action: Optional[Callable[..., None]] = None
    action_args: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
    is_exit: bool = False

    def select(self) -> bool:
        """Select the menu item.

        This selects the `MenuItem` which runs any associated action with kwargs and
        then returns whether or not selecting this item should tell the current menu to

            True if the item is an exit item; False otherwise
        if self.action:
        return not self.is_exit

    def update(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Update menu item fields.

        Any key matching a field to be updated is replaced with the new vlaue. Any
        remaining key/value pairs are used to update the `action_args`.

            kwargs: A dict with fields to be updated.
        for name in MenuItem.VALID_UPDATE_FIELDS:
            val = kwargs.pop(name, None)
            if val:
                setattr(self, name, val)
        # Anything else is used to update kwargs


Select the menu item.

This selects the MenuItem which runs any associated action with kwargs and then returns whether or not selecting this item should tell the current menu to exit.


Type Description

True if the item is an exit item; False otherwise

Source code in src\quick_menu\
def select(self) -> bool:
    """Select the menu item.

    This selects the `MenuItem` which runs any associated action with kwargs and
    then returns whether or not selecting this item should tell the current menu to

        True if the item is an exit item; False otherwise
    if self.action:
    return not self.is_exit


Update menu item fields.

Any key matching a field to be updated is replaced with the new vlaue. Any remaining key/value pairs are used to update the action_args.


kwargs: A dict with fields to be updated.

Source code in src\quick_menu\
def update(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    """Update menu item fields.

    Any key matching a field to be updated is replaced with the new vlaue. Any
    remaining key/value pairs are used to update the `action_args`.

        kwargs: A dict with fields to be updated.
    for name in MenuItem.VALID_UPDATE_FIELDS:
        val = kwargs.pop(name, None)
        if val:
            setattr(self, name, val)
    # Anything else is used to update kwargs